Tuesday 5 April 2011

Couldnt do it...

I cldnt do it,i cldnt stay away too long..lol its sad i know. So im here at work ,im the last person to leave so i gotta lock up. You know, one of those days. So i had an ok kinda day i mean it wasnt as hectic or totally full of crap i honestly cant wait to get hom and put my feet up and just turn to mush infont the television.Its not one of my preferred past times but it will do wen ur brain is too full to process words and meanings and witty remarks and metaphors from a good ole novel (more specifically anything by Oscar Wilde).
Its one of those afternoons when all u hear is Micael Buble's soothing voice in the background and the click-clackin of the keys on your keyboard. I dunno how it is for most but for me, its these little stolen slices of tim that makes life worthwhile.Those moments when you have no other engagements and nothing else demanding your time and its those few minutes when youre supposed to be leaving one place to make your way to another and no one knows your exact location but you...those are the moments i cherish dearly and hold so close to me that im breathing for both of us.
So im takin this bit of time to write this new post. Thing is that its soo easy to just type all the goodstuffs thats weighin on my mind than to sit in front of some poor soul and complain.Thats just not me man....know wat i mean????
So u reading now,you have inadvertently become my listening ear! relish it ,love it!!!!! muhahahahahahah!
Enough of that ,im tryin not to make this thing sound too depressing and scary or i might have to put back that adult content option so that all u unsuspecting victims wldnt get the shit scared out of ya..lol
As it is this may be the last time in a while that you guys hear from me cuz the truth of the matter is im really a flake.I start something and then never finish it cuz im an ole flake always have been and im afraid always will be...though this is what this blog is supposed to do, help me not to flake...oh the age old question "To flake or not to flake" i dunno. Weird thing is i think sayin that im goin to flake is really helpin me not to ...in some weird way im trying to prove myself wrong...in some weird multi-personality disorder sort of way.Its like talking to yourself and answering back only to give a goshdarn rebuttal following..lol that im sure weve all done...psssshhhh....what? no? *oh well* lol
 It was worth a shot! Anyways its about time i bounce cuz i think im beginning to look like a blinkin hermit more and more to stay back at work for so long...i mean i dont even have a darn car so its not like i can make it look like im waitin for the after work rush to clear up...smh
bye y'all kisses God bless!

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