Wednesday 20 April 2011

A kiss revisited

I felt like something fell of the shelf inside me. In the span of fifteen seconds, a kiss spoke volumes. I found myself comparing him to you. The taste of his lips, the feel and thickness of them,even his method. I tried to resist but i still did it. Then i felt guilty and worried that he might sense the transformation and so i began to imagine it was your lips. Then i felt all the more contrite and stopped thinking completely about you,petrified that he could hear my thoughts; but so did my mouth stop its moving. By then confusion registered in his heart im sure, but he did not dare show it on his face. I think he heard when that thing slipped of its shelf and crashed. A small piece flew away to a place that i cannot see.

Something fell off the shelf inside me and the clamouring startled me and i fear he heard it too....- APS

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