Thursday 7 April 2011


The most peculiar thing happened this morning. A group of dogs is referred to as a litter right? Or is it a litter of puppies? Im not exactly sure but i saw this pack of dogs this morning and i think that its a group of wolves thats called a pack but saying a pack of dogs at this interval is qute suitable because these street dogs looked like they were hunting. Or sayin a gang of dogs might be better able to represent and describe the way these dogs were acting up.When one barks at a pedestrian, they all barked. At every and anyone who passed by. And the even funny thing was this portly policeman standing at a phonebooth on edge. Everytime these dogs barked he would grab his gun out of its holster ,attached to his ankle and run in the direction of the barking. Everytime, he would come back laughing,probably because he realised how silly the whole situation looked. I dont know if its just me but that was a rather peculiar way for dogs to act. I ve never seen something like that. lol Its almost like they had made this unanimous decision to terrorise the people of Castries between the hours of 7-10. lol
Anywho it was quite the form of entertainment for me whilst i waited for the city to come alive. See, i was waiting patiently for this clothing store to open,(dont judge me) so i could buy this cute pair of black pants for work. The only one i had that fit like a glove before, were now busting at the seams and it was hopeless to sew it (for the second time). So i had to get new ones and it so happened that,this clothing store had this remarkable,happy-making sale where everything was 50-70% off . It was beautiful. And the styles were gorgeous i think i tried at least four different pairs of pants. lol I was in heaven. So i bought this cute pair of pants and i am rocking the hell out of them. Im telling you guys i cannot wait for payday. Its gonna be friggin awesome man!!!! I wont go completely crazy but im goin on a shoppin spree, simply because i deserve it. At least i think i do. All my clothes are either outdated or have seriously done their time. And those who know me,are fully aware that im not one for the in-fashion at the time;i simply get clothes that i like and feel confortable in. I have an abundance of black clothing because black happens to be forgiving(it hides all the bulges very nicely,and for those ketchup or ice cream globs that slip away from you at times). Also second on the colour wheel is brown, you never go wrong with brown;chocolate,caramel, you name it ,i got it. I was told to put some colour into my wadrobe by almost everyone i met, soooo i added some turquoise. I just throw a topaz necklace in the mix or a topaz ring or turquoise nailpolish and its on like popcorn. So thats how i do. And this concludes the events of my morning,and all the inner workings of the mind of a not-so morning person. Hope you guys enjoyed.
God Bless!!! Bye! kisses

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