Wednesday 6 April 2011


 So i got a cameo ring yesterday, similar to this one but more gaudy with diamonds around the frame and the background is a dark maroon colour, can u say gorgeous? I simply adore it! I wouldnt say that im a compulsive spender, but im pretty close.....its quite troubling to see my savings depleting every month like this...and honestly ive gotten better.I was alot worse before. Though seriously how could you resist this beautiful piece of jewelry especially if you have been searching constantly. Thing is ive been searching like FOREVER!!! Its true what they say that all good things come to those who wait and i know this situation is not completely apropos for me to be quoting scriptures but it just means soooo much to me...u guys im literally tearing up here>>>>*sniff sniff*
All because ive found this little additon to my jewelry collection and the ultimate awesomeness of it all is that it cost me almost nothing!!!!! I got this for five bucks!!!!! Five bucks!!!!!!!! Can u believe it? I t was just sittin there screaming look at me look at me!!!! BUY ME!!!!!!!!! LOL
And so i did...and im feeelin quite content....and it looks quite beautiful adorning my finger......if i do say so myself lol.
BYE!!!! kisses God bless!!!! go check it out!! 

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