About me

Sooooo since this is my own blog i can be bias as hell....and so imma say that im a sweetheart, a darling the epitome of sweetness...lol im a wonderful person to get to know and talk to and i hope that soon we all could be one big happy family via this blog. So im doin the whole natural thing now and im loving it...its like i woke up one morning and said "you know what? Im gonna  go natural",
(below, transitioning phase)
And i did!
And now i love it. Its amazing, easy to maintain and its alot of fun . Now i can be sooo creative with my hair and try so many different things that i cldnt do with my relaxed hair. I went through the whole transitioning phase and did the bantu knots, the rod sets, the cornrows i bought the
products for both my natural hair and my relaxed hair, so they were both healthy and treated. Truth of the matter is that it was quite stressful during that time (especially on my pocket) ...there wasnt much i cldve done with my hair at the time and i cldnt really deal with it...soo in April of 2010 i did my big chop. It was sooo liberating and i felt like a new woman. It was the best thing ive ever done and i adored the look. I dont intend on putting any chemicals in my hair and as much as ide like to convince the world to do the same it aint gonna happen....
So now this is a new chapter of my life,with a whole new outlook on things, im the same person but now my priorities have changed. My style has changed, the way i dress ,my tastes are now suited with my new lifestyle, im eating differently now taking in all kinds of stuff that i need for my hair to grow and be healthy. Dont get me wrong im not sayin that cutting your hair can dramatically change your life but it did mine....i made some conscious decisions to take better care of my hair and in extension my body, mind and soul, by what i put into it. Ive learnt to appreciate and love my hair as kinky,curly,nappy,whatever you wanna call it!  Its been a blast !