Tuesday 5 April 2011


Hey bloggers im finally here after being poked and prodded for so long. I have been encouraged to start my own blog for a while now cus it seems i happen to have quite a bit to say. Honestly i dont....which is why this first entry will be short and sweet. This is just me gettin a feel of this whole thing as foreign as it is to me. I guess this is quite a helpful medium to get our voices and opinions heard, cuz we all need to be heard or in some weird way we wldnt exist really....but again these are my opinions and u dont necessarily have to agree. It wld be nice, lol but you are not required to. This entry is getting quite lengthy so im gonna have to cut it short. The quality of a great writer/storyteller is that she always leaves her audience wanting more....so i hope ive wetted your appetites....please stay tuned.....put ur feet up get comfortable cuz this is gonna be a long ride......but its cool we cld have sing-a-longs : )
God bless!

1 comment:

  1. yay!!!! i feel like ive accomplished something...this feat of awesomeness,it feels gooood
